Behind the Song Series

Welcome to this blog series: “Behind the Song” where I share (drumroll please) the story behind my songs!

OK, listening to lyrics is a personal experience, and like with many personal experiences, people develop preferences. I’ve seen two main preferences over time: Some people love dissecting the meaning of a song for themselves, and speculating on the artist’s intention. This is perhaps why some people don’t like to hear the artist’s explanation; the speculation is fun and the mystery lives on. Or perhaps they don’t care much about the intention of the song, and they would rather experience the song without distractions.

Others, however, love knowing the intricacies and process of each artist. It makes them feel like they have insight and a deeper ability to feel the song itself, connecting their own world to the world of the artist. All of these preferences are just that - preferences. None is better or worse than the other, and each has the ability to connect to the listener, which I think is the point.

Although I will say… if you like hearing the story behind the song, you are my people. I absolutely love to hear the process and inspiration from other songwriter’s works, and I like to share my own.

So welcome to the behind the song series.

I’ll be sharing the process of writing the song, sometimes the recording of the songs, my hopes and dreams for the song, the parts I love. These are things that I’d share in a concert but more in depth, a whole conversation instead of the snippet “this song was written in the depths of my masters thesis and it almost destroyed me….” Haha they will also be light hearted, I promise. A few of them anyway. Some of these songs haven’t been shared with the public, if that is the case, I’ll share the rough recordings with you, my dear friend on this little side of the internet.

I’ll kick the series off with two songs that I wrote during my masters thesis almost 10 years ago!



With love,



Pass Along Album


Behind the song: Absence